I don't expect my children's schools to be perfect, and boy, are they not perfect. All the positives are drowned out by the negatives. The unending conga line of principals. The teachers who can't be bothered to confirm whether their students understand what they are teaching. The lack of high standards. The school system that accepts the responsibility for nothing. It's a downhill (hole? Because, seriously, they were already pretty low.) ride from here on.
So when I answered an automated call from the principal talking about kids selling marijuana at school, I was not surprised. She assured the parents that it would never happen again. Right.
I don't accept it, but I know that this is happening. I have to go that extra step to make sure that my children are protected even when I'm not with them because I certainly don't trust this school to do that. But, really, I question how long I will allow my kids to go to school under these conditions. This ain't middle (because they got rid of that due to budget cuts) or high school; it's elementary school. The 7th and 8th graders share the primary grade campus and that seems to have made things a little bit more dangerous.
Do I have to worry about my children coming in contact with drugs? Why, yes. Yes I do. I learned that before the Christmas break, that kids were smoking weed on the bus. My daughter's bus. The police were called and found a large amount on the boy. What did they do to the boy, you ask? Well, they took his drugs. M-kay. What else? Well, they called his mother. M-kay. Apparently, she was upset that they wasted her time by calling her to the school in the first place. Is that all? Yes. The kid still goes to my daughter's school and still rides the bus.
Yet, I still think what I need to protect my daughter from is that school.